Įrašas skirtas tik besidomintiems LEGO ir J.R.R.Tolkino kūryba 😉
Taigi, žaislų kompanija LEGO nusipirko licenzines teises šiemet išleisti savo tematinę konstruktorių seriją J.ER.R.Tolkino tematika, kaip savo bloge pranešė vienas iš LEGO fanų.
Šiaip LEGO pasižymi labai gera kokybe, tačiau ir didele kaina, o šiuo atveju (licenzija) kaina dar išauga dėl autorinio mokesčio (analogiškai Star Wars arba Prince if Persia).
Numatyti gana nabloga konstruktorių serija, kuri, ko gero, bus tęsiama ir kitąmet:
9469, Gandalf Arrives: 2 minifigs: Gandalf and Frodo, Gandalf on horse and cart with fireworks and snake in the back. I think the price was £9.99.
9470, Shelob Attacks: 3 minifigs: Frodo, Samwise and Gollom! Gollum looked great, hunched over with movable arms, a bit like skeleton arms but different. Shelob the spider looks fantastic and scary!
9471, Uruk-Hai Army: 6 minifigs: Eomer, Rohan soldier and 4 Urak-Hai. The set consists of a small section of wall, a horse with moving legs and a small siege machine. The wall can be joined to the Helms Deep castle, apparently, so this will make a great battle pack to extend the castle and build your armies.
9472, Attack on Weathertop: 5 minifigs: Frodo, Merry, Aragorn and two Ringwaiths on horseback. The set builds a small section of Weathertop with spiral staircase and ruins at the top.
9473, The Mines of Moria: 7 minifigs: Pippin, Gimli, Legolas, Boromir, a cave troll and two Moria orcs. The set builds a selection of sub-assemblies for mine walls, doors, pedestals etc.
9474, The Battle of Helm’s Deep: 8 minifigs: Gimli, King Theoden, Haldir, Aragorn and 4 Urak-Hai warriors. The castle itself is fairly substantial, complete with the ‘side door’ used to gain entry
9476, The Orc Forge: 5 orcs with a forge, various metalworking tools and weapons.
LEGO ir Tolkinas
Sau 28th, 2012 by grumlinas
Įdomu. Laukiame LEGO-Silmarillion?
Nemanau. Bus derinama prie filmų, t.y. dabar eina „Žiedų valdovas“, turėtų būti ir „Hobitas“ Analogiškai vyko ir Star Wars, ir Haris Poteris