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Amerikiečių įspūdžiai apie lietuvius, tarnaujančius Afganistane:

Hell’s Angels — Lithuanian Style:
U.S. and Afghan soldiers in Zabul Province give high marks to the Lithuanian Special Forces, who like to ride these captured Taliban motorbikes to sneak up on, and chase Taliban fighters. The “LithSof” are on their way to becoming living legends: Both Afghans and Americans report that the Taliban are afraid of the Lithuanians. Stories about them are filled with dangerous escapades and humor.
Americans say that the Lithuanians are sort of a weaponized version of Borat, who think nothing of sauntering around a base in nothing but flip-flops and underwear. “They look like mountain men. They never shave, sometimes don’t bathe, and often roll out the gate wearing nothing but body armor and weapons. Not even a t-shirt,” an American soldier told me. The Lithuanians may be a little bit nuts, but the Americans love to have them around because Lithuanians love to fight, and when you need backup, you can count on them. That contrasts starkly with many of the NATO “partners.” Maybe when your country spends almost a half-century with the Soviet boot on its neck, its first generation of free soldiers know what freedom is worth — and that you sometimes have to fight for it.

4 Responses to “Pragaro angelai arba lietuviai Afganistane”

  1. troy parašė:

    Uh, šiandien visi blogai apie tą Afganą. :)))

  2. grumlinas parašė:

    Kas, kur, kada? Aš mat tik iš pat ryto civilizacijoje buvau 😉

  3. Ikaras parašė:

    Viskas cia gerai.Va apie ukrainiecius 😀 http://legionetrangere.ru/forum/index.php?showtopic=841

  4. grumlinas parašė:

    -› Ikaras – ačiū už gerą nuorodą