Kelionės Praha-Paryžius-Amsterdamas Citroenai

[Click to enlarge image] [Click to enlarge image] [Click to enlarge image] [Click to enlarge image]
Paryžius: DS Pallas Paryžius: DS Pallas Paryžius: DS Pallas Paryžius: DS Pallas
[Click to enlarge image] [Click to enlarge image] [Click to enlarge image] [Click to enlarge image]
Paryžius: DS Pallas vidus Paryžius: DS Pallas Paryžius: DS Pallas Paryžius: Jumpy
[Click to enlarge image] [Click to enlarge image] [Click to enlarge image] [Click to enlarge image]
Amsterdamas: DS Amsterdamas: DS Amsterdamas: DS vidus Amsterdamas: 2CV